A supplemental equine feed targeting gut heath and supporting GI tract health.
Indicated for use in horses prone to bloating, loose stools, ulcers, cribbing, behaviour under saddle or while cinching.
When our horses bodies are unbalanced symptoms can show up in many ways. The additions of unnatural feeds, lack of natural forage, paddock or stall confinement, stress as well as other things can all lead to an unbalanced body.
Something we see so often as a result of modern day horse life are gastric conditions or symptoms. This can be (but is not limited to) bloating, runny stools, ulcers, colic or even just show up as 'bad behavior' when be ridden or saddling. Possibly even just being moody in general.
This supplemental blend of whole foods and herbs designed specifically to soothe the gut and GI tract. There is cool protein from hemp hulls and milled hemp seed as well as herbs that will soothe, calm and reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestinal tract.
*Not recommended for use in pregnant or lactating mares
**Recommended to discontinue use or consult with your veterinarian for use while your horse is on medications
***Information listed here is not intended to replace veterinary advice, diagnosis or treatment***
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Freedom's Gate
Equine Rescue Society
SKU: Freq G/I
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