We were out with the horses this evening, and low and behold we saw some serious belly movement!! Zippora, Katrin was able to feel her belly and feel the baby moving inside! Aina is starting to bag up now as well, and we actually see the baby kicking in there!! SO exciting! Quin is also pregnant!! So three pregnant mares, all due around the same time! 2 horses are bagging up, 1 remaining. But this doesn't mean that she is far behind as she is younger than the other two (not by much).
I think we should have a little bit of a contest! With every $5 donation, you get to submit your guess on date of delivery, sex of baby, Color of baby. Whoever guesses correctly will get half of the proceeds of this event! So if we raise $1000 you get $500 and know that you helped raise funds for the rescue!
So 3 different options, 3 different mares/foals 1). When they deliver 2). Sex of foal 3). Color of baby
Lets get this going! Its so exciting!!! We will do this draw 3 times as we have 3 mares to watch!! SO pick your horse, and then make your choices on 1, 2 & 3. If you want to guess on all 3, then its $15 and your in! If you donate through our website you can make a note on your choices! If you send via etransfer, you can make a note in the message for us!
freedomsgateequinerescue@gmail.com Password: horse